the story of my left-handed mini series of paintings
6 special pieces for me. I painted all of these as art therapy as I experienced extremely limited mobility of my right arm for several months due to a fibro flare.
Since this series I use my left arm liberally in art making, writing, and all aspects of life.
So as not to overwhelm the small pieces, I used my condensed signature, a capital M.
Each piece was painted over several sessions. First I explored directly with washes, liquid watercolor droplets, and whatever gestural strokes felt right with my intensely high pain levels of that time.
Next, over a series of sessions, I emphasized color ways, added subtle details, and carved forms.
Finally, months later when I had undergone significant healing of nerve/muscle injury, I was able to meticulously paint along the forms with black acryla-gouache, as is my working process of this kind of series.
The exception to this way of working is the dream seascape which instead I framed in black.
Thanks for joining me to learn a little more about my life and its affects on my process!