Officially starting a podcast...

Officially starting a podcast with my esteemed friend Emmy Anne Barnett. By artists, but for everyone.

One of my passions for art and my reason for continuing to BE an artist is the connections that art can make between all topics. And, finally after many requests, I am dipping into the podcast world! Periodically I will share my curiosity and bounce off my sweet public works artist foil East Bay Em.

We record weekly (chronic illness permitting) and you're welcome to jump in and witness the raw actions live, as well as submit questions in chat!

It might seem that I bring up my disability a lot to the "normal" viewer but, as you will see, brain fog plays a role in my creative and work process.


I'm a perfectionist in recovery, so our first few recording sessions had missing audio from the co-host in recording. I could hear it live but… the audience could not, leading to probably a very silly viewing experience for those who caught it live.


However one moment really stuck in my mind and became an obsession lol. Headphone/speaker user warning, I speak low at the beginning of the clip and then laugh quite loudly. As only early recording sessions can go.

thumbnail image: Meheen Ruby with blurred arm from motion. Overlay text reads “We’re trying to make a podcast” in stylized text. There is a fly icon and a surprised face icon.

Not exactly clear, but at the end there I talk about how I "Lived in the woods."


I think we will touch on this in spoken detail more in the podcast but Emily and I met at Humboldt State University and during my time in Humboldt County after graduation I did more than my fair share of the cabin life experience.


The other piece of the puzzle is that due to my disability and also being a preemie baby, I have something known as Hyperreflexia where my nerves/reflexes are firing a bit fast. So, being naturally "jumpy" and "reactive" come in handy once or twice!


Thanks for reading and I look forward to sending the first episode your way.


Preparing for DisEmpower!


Face Painting, a summer adventure